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My take on the PoC and LGBT representation complaint is going to be a bit spicy, so buckle up.

I believe that this complaint is actually a quasi-compliment.


Because PoC and LGBT representation in documentaries and coverage of furries issue has always been a thing. Even our own Fursonas had one gay couple and a guy who works on dildos, sure, but no people of color at all that I recall.

So then the question is, why complain that Lisa's show doesn't have them and not criticize earlier produced content that had the same issue?

Because Lisa Ling made a show that PoC and LGBT people actually were disappointed that no one like them was in it. Which means that she accomplished what no other content creator had before and make a space comfortable enough where PoC and LGBT people want to be a part of the situation.

So congrats Lisa on at least at least progressing the criticism so people can complain about diversity instead of the baseline representation. I think because of this, this is a step forward.


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