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It's very sad news indeed. I knew Fred as a colleague here and I only had limited personal contact with him but I greatly respected and admired him.

When I was preparing a presentation for Eurofurence, I made quite a bit of use of his timeline. He was also, as Cassidy says, a perfect example that you don't need a fursona to be a fur. No one could doubt Fred was a fur, he did more for the fandom than most. And to be in his late 70's and still active? That's a perfect example that things like the furry fandom aren't just a phase and for kids. He was involved in the fandom for decades, literally up until his death. I found his dedication to the fandom inspiring.

It's no secret that the furry fandom is generally quite young. Many, myself included, weren't around before the major furry websites were formed and, for various reasons, a lot of those furs probably neither know nor care about the early years of the fandom or how it all started. Fred was there and had a lot of background knowledge which can never be replaced, even by his extensive writing.

This is an extremely sad time for the fandom, particularly furry literature, but I think Fred will still serve as an inspiration to other furs. He set a great example with his love and dedication for the fandom which we should strive to live up to.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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