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I don't have a Netflix subscription, so I'm glad to get confirmation! (Plus, Canada doesn't get the same selection, due to different legal arrangements.) Yeah, Netflix has really levelled the playing field for a lot of studios outside of North America. I have a presention on foreign animated films that I've done at a couple of cons, and I talk a bit how the streaming services make it much more affordable for distribution - less advertizing costs, no DVDs to ship to Target or Walmart. All you need to do is dub it, and you're good to go. Although it also levels the playing field for all the crappy kid's babysitting CGI films too, so you have to look up the titles beforehand to make sure it's half-decent to watch.

Oh, please thank Changa for running! I'm sorry I don't stumble across new videos to add to it.

He fansubbed The Big Bad Fox?? Can I get a copy of the SRT file or whatever format he used? I was only able to find a French closed-captioning file, so at one of my meets, I showed my friends just the middle portion of the film while live-translating the dialogue out loud.


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