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Some things you do actually does mean soci___sm sometimes. If you go out and force your opinion against people as people, and bitch about others for defending the fact that "pedophiles" are still scientifically human beings, then it's clear it's a form of socia__sm. Though I never said all 1 star ratings were bad.


But is it legal to flat out spread false information toward other people? I'm pretty sure saying that someone "defends f***ing kids" when it's not true is something that I believe should not be legally allowed if it's not a law. If law, it's likely have something to do with the word "defamation".
I'm pretty sure that journal was talking about that.
Also, IT'S COMPLETELY LEGAL to disagree with legal speech with many of the pathetic arguments that support cruel and unusual punishment.


Actually you can't exactly say whatever you want. Some things has consequences made by law. Not all speech is protected speech. What is defined as libelous under a law here if any is not protected speech.
And you need to understand that if you go out and emotionally attack me for being rational on what is abuse or not, you need to realize that your behavior also isn't free from people like me reacting to it.


You can still suggest staying safe and legal and personally disagree with some laws. For example, I find certain copyright laws wrong, even though I say that in journal.
Yet, even in the case with Toast, I didn't even complain that he could get legally arrested. I was complaining about how far punishment goes.
The sex offender registry is illegal as in, it's against the constitution of rights. People can respect law and still argue that some are too far.

If a legal expert can recognize that the offender has learned his or her lesson, and experts can tell that the person is least likely to offend and if so, then it's stupid to keep the person on it out of fear.
Plus sex offender registry doesn't work a lot and has caused a lot more harm than good.

Actually I'm allowed to spread some things you call "garbage". :)
If people react like a dick to me, I'm allowed to be pissed at it. your reactions aren't protected from legal consequences protected by the first amendment maybe.

By the way, folding comments out of ratings is censorship alone. Is it a violation of the first amendment, I doubt it, but it's still "censorship" alone.


By the way, thank you for sharing the journal!


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