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Yes, because being against pro-pedophilia sentiments and the ability to down-vote comments (a practice which you yourself engage in as frequently as you complain about it, you fucking hypocrite) means "socialism". Stop throwing around popular political buzzwords as if you have any clue what they mean.

"Is this even legal?"
Yes. It is COMPLETELY LEGAL to call bullshit on someone saying that pedophilia and the creation and distribution of child porn isn't that big of a deal. It is COMPLETELY LEGAL to speculate that anyone who so vehemently stands up for this kind of criminal behavior either engages in it himself, or at least has an interest in it. It is COMPLETELY LEGAL to agree with the penalties inflicted on those who would do children harm.

It's called the 1st Amendment, you fucking idiot.

Conversely, you're free to say whatever nonsensical gibberish you want, and most of us here are intelligent enough to recognize that point instead of crying "YOU CAN'T LEGALLY SAY THAT BECAUSE IT HURTS MY FEELINGS!!!!" like you're constantly doing. However, freedom of speech DOES NOT MEAN that there is freedom from consequences. The government can't oppress you for what you say, but if you insist on saying that child molestation isn't that big of a deal, people WILL challenge that position, and you'd better be prepared to deal with the consequences. (And contrary to every thought in your twisted head, no, being against pedophilia DOES NOT come from a place of hatred or evil.)

"I am not too sure on law."
You know what's funny? So many of your journals include some token mention of how people should "stay safe and obey the law." Why then get so bent out of shape any time a child predator is placed on the sex offender registry? Last time I checked, molesting children was AGAINST THE LAW, and letting people be aware of those who might do their children harm was PERFECTLY LEGAL. So we should obey the law, unless it has anything to do with molesting children, because THOSE laws are just SO UNFAIR.

No. You're not allowed to spout this kind of garbage and THEN get pissed off any time someone says "Excuse me??" as a result. You don't like it? Don't SAY it. (That's not censorship, that's just common sense.)


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