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"LOL, no, the victim is a victim, and the criminal is a criminal"
And they are both human beings. You can't change the mere facts just because of some labels.

"Retribution is the oldest form of justice, and remains an element of deterrence. Civilized places no longer poke out people's eyes but being removed or shunned and losing privileges is a fair consequence of doing harm."
Of course it's the oldest or maybe it is likely. You know what was also oldest as in a long time ago or likely? So many death penalties being used by law in the most horrible ways possible. But we got rid of a lot of them because they were just bad. Retribution was never really moral because it was one of the oldest delusions in the world and that can change to be less. Parts of the world already is taking this direction.
And even though I am not too sure on Toast's side, even under retribution, it's completely unfair to it to do that to anyone who only merely possessed certain illegal images. And yes, I say that because it's very wrong to consider someone who had no intention that tries to help make more to be as bad as someone who completely chose to make more certain illegal content. Hell, it's even unfair to people who made it without violence unless the victim does suffer as much.

Also Norway doesn't believe in the retribution delusion most of the time, and guess what? It's one of the most top 5 successful systems in the whole world.

"Put "Abolish the sex offender registry" on a big sign and take it to your local bus station, and go yell about it to the biggest guy you see. Be a big brave Diamond Man and do something in real life instead of splashing diarrhea on furry websites. "
You should stop spreading diarrhea.
And like it or not, I have every right to disagree with your political propaganda.

"Seriously tho Diamond man. It isn't funny to see how irrationally worked up you have gotten about 6 sentences of facts about a man who pled guilty to facilitating rape of children."
The fact that you're the one who calling me irrational because you are so emotionally upset by research, rehabilitation, and pointing out obvious facts shows how more irrational you are.

Though I wouldn't be so damn surprised if you completely ignore the logic, research, and facts. If you're seriously this delusional to believe that criminals are not human, then I think it's publicly clear that you're this messed up. Maybe you should get a life probation to see how you like it if I did believe in that. I wouldn't even be damn surprised if you like that a teenager that committed suicide over some pictures on the computer because of the current law.


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