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My comment, slightly edited:
Edit: To the pieces of shit who rates my comments 1 star. You're one of those people that are as bad as certain child molesters believers. I'm not sorry. Flayrah is a political agenda that votes for humanity faith to be lowered. Edit Done.
Different topic. This site rule is just a basic rule preventing something that is far less of a big deal.

Main statement here I guess:
Mere possession of certain illegal images should be a less penalty than today but even I think it might be a bit of a larger deal than that rating thing. I might even agree to the idea that there should remain a law to outlaw possession of those pictures with dropped charging possible, but I won't agree that it should be compared to the person who clearly chose to abuse a child in the process of making it. These two things: 1. lack of intention possible. 2. and probably lack of aid. Not sure on law again.
These two things are probably the reason why I say it needs to be less.

In the end, when a sentence is complete, the person should be treated equally legally, and I hope Toast will have a normal life again with all constitutional rights and I hope he will be able to change is record to zero and/or identity if he thinks it's necessary as long as he really regrets.
This is for those who regrets.

That's what my main comments are for: Forgiveness, and rehabilitation. And since it's not fair to blame another person for the choices of a worse criminal unless there is connection (e.g. aiding), I will say "just a couple of bad pictures" unless somehow Toast was connected to a worse person.
If Toast was responsible of the making and he intended that, then I believe he's as bad in that topic. Still don't believe in life punishments though.

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Rating my comment 1 star after I add this automatically counts as an agreement.


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