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Assuming you're being sarcastic, maybe if you realized how horrible it is to be on the sex offender registry, especially for life, you would probably see something.
Let me send some links.

There's plenty more where that came from!
There was also probably a story where someone was downloading illegal pornography because the person was abused in the past, and I think wanted to download them for certain experiences. Later, the person committed suicide because of something relating to his life probably gonna be ruined later on involving law maybe. Having trouble finding the so-called story or close though. I think I may have found it before.

If you think those aren't a big deal, then it's clear from this that you don't understand life and health.


BTW, anyone who rates some of my comments to be lower than two starts means that I'm likely gonna rate them back up because we shouldn't let the agenda tried to loosely abuse logic for voodoo theory, and/or something that might not understand the main thing on moral blaming. Hiding comments trying to criticize in the way I'm trying in favor of emotion is bad for nature.


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