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Since there is no concrete link to "mere possession" being the same as making such illegal content, you need to stop pretending it's true because you think so.
Even then, and while I am not defending these acts alone: there wasn't even concrete evidence that video taping or mere non-violent sexual abuse will completely ruin a person's life to every single person, because some people can be restored, even if someone still has bad memories, many of those people can still enjoy most of life.
One example that is horrible is when someone told a victim that their life can't be restored.

Finally, putting someone on the sex offender registry or probation (not sure if they are the same) for life has a lot of evidence of life being ruined. There are several stories where people can't get a job, and has hate, and can't mainly live a normal life because of it. Some sex offenders were killed because they were sex offenders. That can easily be compared to people who were abused by the actual perpetrator who directly harmed a child.
It's not only likely as bad as someone who was abused sometimes, but it's probably even worse. If all those stories are false and it's really not a big deal, then oh I guess.
And remember, Toast isn't even the actual perpetrator unless he did something that makes him so. Even if I agreed that there is some effect but not as bad as an intentionally aid.

I wouldn't be surprised if you ignored the evidence of that existing, since it's damn clear you're ignoring the comment explaining why mere possession isn't the same.

Again, not a lawyer. I am not too sure on what the law said. Respect the law.


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