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Norway's system involving prisoners is in fact better because it's a real moral system that believes in humanity, not abuse, at least mostly.
Not only that, Norway's crime rate is one of the world's lowest crime rate system. And the re offending rate very low. Interesting link:

There is no evidence that someone who merely possessed images are directly responsible. There isn't even evidence that even direct non-violent abuse will always ruin someone's life because it might be possible to cure someone. And finally, regardless, ruining someone's life back is just as bad as first ruining anyone else's life.
You're the brat whiny piece of shit who doesn't understand life and health and if you're OK with ruining a person's life because of what they did for example, then that's proof that you don't know anything about life and health because you believe in the delusion of retribution. You are likely a hypocrite too.

Criminals are human beings. Nothing will change that fact. If you hurt a criminal, you are just as bad as hurting someone who's not a criminal. That is an obvious form of fact to realize when you put your dumb head out of traditional the traditional delusion of "retribution" likely.

You are against life and health for some people, and that's an actual fact.

I hope Toast the Rabbit regret his bad actions, and have a normal non-offending life in the future. And there is nothing fucking sick and disgusting by saying this...


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