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Oh so it's just now bad for someone to help spread the fact that cruel and unusual punishment is not OK then? Just because I'm not a lawyer?
That punishment is cruel and unusual, period. I'm no judge, or lawyer, but people can still argue that in another sense which might also influence some judges to change.
Got a feeling anyone having a problem with me so far believes in this type of corrupt government crap.


Kinda off topic: It still makes me wonder to see a useless rating system by seeing people rate my comments down because I dare question fucked up shit likely.
Anyone who supports ruining a life of someone because of mere possession of illegal pictures are likely worse than certain child molesters, and I won't apologize for that. Hell, all "causing suffering back" is always wrong.

Edit: Even though I've edit before without saying sometimes, I still wanted to say I wanted to edit this post anyway.


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