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I'm not a child buddy, and the reason why I said "bad pictures" because I don't want to say the actual words in fear of something else.

I've read on many laws, I've read in how far a law can be, and when punishments can be cruel and unusual or not. And as a concerned individual, I have every damn right to argue that lifetime probation over mere possession of illegal pictures is one of those punishments that go way too far, and I find it more "double jeopardy" too after a sentence. A lot of people argue many things to be cruel and unusual, and sometimes that can cause judges to change because of that. Judges can be wrong sometimes.

I usually know what I'm talking about. I'm a person who's already aware of the fact that USA prisons and similar do not help criminals but make things worse generally, and that Norway does a better job, with not only helping for real in general, but leans much more further into actual morality by having a humane prison system, no death penalty, and no life imprisonment sentence. The two death penalties ("death penalty" and "Life Imprisonment Without Parole") is even worse than this probation argument here. With this topic, I'm just doing the usual complaint to help spread the message that supports humanity and a healthy life I think.


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