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Fortnite Season 6 Battle Pass skins ranked:

7. Giddy-Up-A default wearing an inflatable llama. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just really not my thing.

6. Nightshade-Tells you how much I don't like Giddy-Up, because I. HATE. TOMATOES.

5. DJ Yonder-I mean, it is furry(-ish?) and all, but I liked it better in the preview where I couldn't see it's real colors. Also, I've only played a couple of matches today, but I'm already sick of seeing it everywhere.

4. Dusk-Cool concept. A vampire. Just ... not the coolest vampire. Great accessories, though.

3. Calamity-Besides Dire, the other upgrade-able character (and the apparent "protagonist" of season 6); early stages she looks pretty awful, but she's pretty cool looking leveled up. Western Gothic. Yes!

2. Fable-Little Red Riding Hood skin! And it's awesome! Her accessories are pretty good too (like the Back Bling), except for the glider, but that's because all gliders are lame.

1. Dire-I mean, well, duh. Guessing it's going to be ranked as the best tier 100 since at least Reaper, even by non-furries.


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