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I often see comments from younger furs about how "different" the fandom is now from the past. I attend conventions with my family all the time, and we don't see it. Well, at least the "differences" aren't obvious to us. I have put some thought into it, and I do notice some things. Science Fiction, Fantasy and comic fan conventions usually include social events and room parties, and many had open bars. Not being a social drinker, and having no real desire for alcohol, I found most room parties rather boring (unless you find yourself in an interesting conversation... ) Also, if you are running a convention, room parties can be a real thorn in your side when dealing with the venue. This is why we never had "official" room parties at ConFurence. There are some exceptions to this. The Doubletree San Jose (formerly a Red lion) is a legendary venue for fan gatherings. The rooms are HUGE, compared to most hotels, and one outstanding feature is the hotels' "Party floor". Whether by design or by happy accident, the 2nd floor rooms in one tower all open onto a large continuous patio area (on the "roof" of the main building). Since the 1980s, the hotel has allowed fan conventions to have a dedicated party floor, and the fans responded with highly themed parties. (including the notorious Klingon Outpost) At this hotel room parties are a BIG thing. FC has attempted to duplicate this phenomenon at the Marriot, but it just isn't the same. My family and I have been attending more furry conventions, and we discovered Pacific Anthro Weekend last year, and recently attended our 2nd. It's small for a furry con (750ish this year), but... their hotel is that Doubletree. And the hotel, as per their nearly 40 year tradition, have allowed the con to have themed parties on the special floor. Hanging around the con in the programming areas, it felt small and casual... but when the sun set... the parties started! Completely transformed rooms, form some 60's hippy dens to spaceship interiors, live DJs and light shows on the tower walls, and the Klingons were there (offering their signature drink "Revenge" which is BEST SEVERED COLD). The con felt a lot larger on party row. Most parties had open bars... and they were doing a land-office business! Yes, the parties do "card". They have to. Nothing can get a hotel in trouble like "underage drinking on the premises". But it didn't take an investigative journalist to realize that a BIG draw for the con was free alcohol (donations accepted, of course).

To make a way to long story short... Access to alcohol (which IS a drug, in spite of the industry trying to down-play that fact), publicly, not in your private room, has become a major factor in furry conventions.

American Pine Marten


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