A lot more needs to be said because this article seems to conflate all substances, purposes, and intents. The concerns raised are not in any fashion whatsoever unique to or particularly associated with this fandom. Futhermore, as half a decade of progress in places like Colorado have demonstrated to the entire world, there are drugs and then there are relatively safe substances or plant teachers that are in fact quite benefitial when used suitably and with respect.
One might avail themselves of the Internet and discover why and how alcohol, opiates, amphetamines, and other metabolic drugs are basically a suicidal-type foreseably downward spiral path to choose to go along. Then one might discover how some plant-derived entheogens backed by proper intent and great care might spark or illuminate the discovery of paths that one can take (also leading away from increased substance use) toward expanded consciousness, spiritual awakening, and/or healing. The point of all activity and self-cultivation in the end should be to flourish and be well, to clear old densities and open you heart, to let the universal flow through you and into world and become like a beacon of light, illuminating paths forward for all.
A lot more needs to be said because this article seems to conflate all substances, purposes, and intents. The concerns raised are not in any fashion whatsoever unique to or particularly associated with this fandom. Futhermore, as half a decade of progress in places like Colorado have demonstrated to the entire world, there are drugs and then there are relatively safe substances or plant teachers that are in fact quite benefitial when used suitably and with respect.
One might avail themselves of the Internet and discover why and how alcohol, opiates, amphetamines, and other metabolic drugs are basically a suicidal-type foreseably downward spiral path to choose to go along. Then one might discover how some plant-derived entheogens backed by proper intent and great care might spark or illuminate the discovery of paths that one can take (also leading away from increased substance use) toward expanded consciousness, spiritual awakening, and/or healing. The point of all activity and self-cultivation in the end should be to flourish and be well, to clear old densities and open you heart, to let the universal flow through you and into world and become like a beacon of light, illuminating paths forward for all.