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When I talk about hating people with "different beliefs", I am not not talking about Nazis. I am talking about the difference between liberals, conservatives, and all the other non-hateful political beliefs. Hatred is wrong because it hurts innocent people and divides those should be on the same side.

It is wrong to hate Nazis because it causes you to hate people that aren't actually Nazis. It is just like during the Red Scare. People hated communists so much that many people who actually weren't communists had their lives ruined by the hate. The same thing is happening now. Conservatives are being treated unfairly by liberals who think Nazis and conservatives are the same thing because of their hate. And liberals are being treated unfairly by conservatives who think that liberals are the same thing as all the other groups they hate. Liberals and conservatives both need to stop hating people they don't agree with.

The problem isn't that Nazis get hurt by hatred. The problem is that innocent people get hurt by the hatred of Nazis because people who hate Nazis cannot tell the diffence between people who are and are not Nazis. So we have to fight against Nazis without hating them so we don't hurt people who aren't Nazis.


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