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I do not believe either of those things and I never have said anything to imply that I do. Stop making false accusations.

I can't understand why you are even arguing with me. Are you seriously trying to say that it is acceptable to hate a human being?

Nazis are horrible people but it is wrong to hate them because hatred is inherently wrong. And that doesn't mean we shouldn't fight them either. We have to fight them to keep them from destroying us. But if we hate them then we are allowing evil into our hearts.

It would wrong to hate somebody even if they murdered everyone you know and ruined your life. It would be right to punish them, but only to stop them from doing it again and to make an example of them. Punishing them out of a desire for revenge would be evil.

Hatred is evil. Hatred is evil. Hatred is evil.

It is absolutely unacceptable to hate anyone. You can fight against them and oppose everything they stand for, and even kill them if you have no other choice, but hating them is wrong. Keeping hatred out of your mind is the only way to have the moral high ground over your enemies. Any hatred whatsoever can lead to corruption and turn you into a murderous monster just like what you are against.


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