they are a tiny minority that is not deserving of the attention they are being given
Q. How much attention should they be given?
A. None, wait until they have ruined cons, driven away minorities and hurt people. Then it's ok to wring your hands and say "how could we have seen this coming." Until then ignore them.
Even looking back to WWII, many of those that fought the Nazis believed in racial, sexual and other forms of discrimination
Q. If these fit everyone, how do you identify nazis?
A. Heiling, presenting genuine 1940's Nazi Party membership cards (beware of counterfeits, only accept ones signed by hitler), fashionable black skull encrusted uniforms with swastika armbands. If they don't show membership cards it's just edgelord jokes so ignore them.
Most of those calling people Nazis are activist leftists. I think you'll find that often overlaps with people that support Palestine. There's nothing wrong with that. But it's good to remember that Palestine and many Arab countries are often fiercely anti-Semitic
Q. Did you know Arabs are defined as semites?
A. Leftists and semites and anti-semites and nazis are the same thing so ignore them.
What is then strange is that that anti-Semitism is seeping back into the left now. There was a pride parade in the US where gay Jews were asked to leave
Q. You've never been to the US or a pride parade and don't know anything about leftists, do you.
A. I have a very high IQ and googled a youtube video
When I asked an Austrian colleague of mine what she thought about the situation in the US a year or two ago, she said that people in the US just don't understand what the Nazis actually were
Q. Did you also become an expert on kangaroos because you have an Austrian colleague?
A. I'm an expert on everything, would you like to discuss how age of consent is a scam
Trump's separation of families at the border was terrible but to call it genocide and use it as an example of how his administration is similar to Nazism... There is no comparison at all. If you think that is even slightly similar to Nazism then you have no idea what the Nazis were actually doing
Q. Is separating families at the border actually the fault of people who say this is a bad thing?
*Ask Rakuen*
Q. How much attention should they be given?
A. None, wait until they have ruined cons, driven away minorities and hurt people. Then it's ok to wring your hands and say "how could we have seen this coming." Until then ignore them.
Q. If these fit everyone, how do you identify nazis?
A. Heiling, presenting genuine 1940's Nazi Party membership cards (beware of counterfeits, only accept ones signed by hitler), fashionable black skull encrusted uniforms with swastika armbands. If they don't show membership cards it's just edgelord jokes so ignore them.
Q. Did you know Arabs are defined as semites?
A. Leftists and semites and anti-semites and nazis are the same thing so ignore them.
Q. You've never been to the US or a pride parade and don't know anything about leftists, do you.
A. I have a very high IQ and googled a youtube video
Q. Did you also become an expert on kangaroos because you have an Austrian colleague?
A. I'm an expert on everything, would you like to discuss how age of consent is a scam
Q. Is separating families at the border actually the fault of people who say this is a bad thing?
A. It's like you read my mind.