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I don't think Rakuen's actually not a Nazi for the same reason I don't think he's an actual pedophile or dogfucker; I just don't think he'd be self-aware enough not to tell us eventually. I've argued with him almost constantly about those things (or at least I used to, anyway) but the shoe never dropped.

I mean, the first time Mike Retriever actually got into an argument, period, it was insta-Nazi. There wasn't even really a build up, where we were waiting for the shoe to drop. It was just "bam, wham, thank you ma'am, I'm a fucking racist piece of shit."

Unfortunate timing with that section, though, Rakuen; the day after Obama goes viral asking "How hard is it to say Nazis are bad?"

Also, Discordian Dragon is totally a cryptofascist, aren't they?


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