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The ethical issues of meat production and the impact on the environment are well known but, instead of addressing that, many people prefer to try and ignore it. That probably leads to a certain amount of cognitive dissonance. This also seems to be visible with furry conventions having rules against real fur but being fine with leather and serving meat. It's one thing to be aware of the problem but another to take action which will require an actual change in one's own lifestyle. Seeing vegetarians, who have done this, could make others more aware of their own failings and lead to anger.

The last part of that statement kind of reminds me other the argument that the religious make:

"Oh? Well the reason you must be so angry is that you didn't accept Jesus as your personal savior. If you did so you would be happier. Atheists are just miserable because their soul isn't saved, and they are jealous of those who are."

Little did the religious person realize that when they aren't around the person they're chastising is actually quite content and happy. It's only in their presence that they are miserable.

Vegan and Vegetarians have a lot to be proud of for sticking with a diet that one has to work to maintain, and should share their views for sure. Just should try to avoid worrying or hypothesizing why others feel the way they do. Because making assumptions about the motivations behind another's emotions is certainly a good way to evoke further ones.


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