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The article is too long to my liking if it amounts to slapping Dogpatch on the back of the neck for doing shitty journalism. Thank God for contributors to Flayrah, including yourself, because otherwise that's all we would get. A neverending stream of "Beware nazis." "Look at how progressive I am because I'm a model in an erotic photoshoot in the age of Trump." "I'm a socialist as is the furry fandom."

My closing statement in your article was:
"If Sonious' long-winged argument here is that calling them "Nazis" is a bad idea, then I agree on all serious fronts: metaphorically, literally, rhetorically, politically, morally, and aesthetically."

I probably would have paid more attention to the article if I hadn't been sick of nazis being the dead horse that's constantly being beaten in the furry media. We might as well put a square moustache on our faces and hail glory to the supremacy of the German nation.

Dogpatch Press should be renamed to Dogpatch Tabloid. He can simply compare a reputable newspaper to a tabloid, and see what his articles are most similar to. No further discussions needed. Read one. Read the other. Compare them to his work.

He's taken it semi-professional, getting paid on Patreon, and he has yet to reach the level of journalistic integrity behind most if not all the contributions here. And he doesn't have enough with his site. He pollutes every website he goes to with his personal ideological banter, praising a chosen side and demonizing another.


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