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No, you care a real awful lot about politics in furry, dude. This thread, and all the actions you've taken that you've attributed to caring about politics in furry, and the quotes you've confirmed are from you where you discuss politics in a furry chat, all show that to be true. And that's true for most of the people claiming as much recently: they add just as much politics and political discussion to their environment, but they feel slighted so they say that it's not their fault, there's practically a gun to their head. I was in (what is probably now a previous iteration of) the Furry Raiders Telegram chat, and fuck, they couldn't even keep a coherent administrative team, because their own internal politics were spawning offshoots and interventions and in-chat mod meltdowns and resignations on a daily basis.

It's blatantly clear that politics in furry is not really the problem, feeling unwelcome for your own preferred form of political discussion is the problem. Maybe your preferred form is mocking Mexicans and dismissing gay children for a laugh, but pretending that is apolitical is delusional.


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