You know you CAN write politically neutral news stories without joining political groups and trying to mold yourself into antihesis of everything the person you disagree with is, right?
Like a person can be a leftist and disagree with Noam? He is not their God. In fact as a pretty open atheist I would hope Noam would find distaste in you trying to mold his words into a form of gospel.
In addition, I somehow doubt you are remembering his quote accurately and are twisting it to your side's benefit which you did above with his criticism of antifa as well.
We are reading what you are saying. Below is the link in which you indicated that Patch's work influenced you to join altfurry:
You know you CAN write politically neutral news stories without joining political groups and trying to mold yourself into antihesis of everything the person you disagree with is, right?
Like a person can be a leftist and disagree with Noam? He is not their God. In fact as a pretty open atheist I would hope Noam would find distaste in you trying to mold his words into a form of gospel.
In addition, I somehow doubt you are remembering his quote accurately and are twisting it to your side's benefit which you did above with his criticism of antifa as well.