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It came a point when I thought, "I can't continue reading this partisan horseshit anymore. Next time Dogpatch writes a left-leaning article, I'll do something about it."

Soon afterwards, Dogpatch publishes the article "Furry fandom is socialist". I feel mental regurgitation. I write a comment on it. He dismisses what I'm addressing.

I decide to join the Furry Raiders Telegram group, heavily publicized by Dogpatch himself. Maybe they say something he's not saying? I just checked their website and requested an invitation.

I enter, and it's a group where people can and do discuss and/or object about any subject imaginable that can be described in words. Sometimes about politics, maybe too much about politics. However, most appealing to me, is that they don't censor / sperg out / discourage controverted jokes, so it's like a portable furry 4chan. This possibility of course is anathema to Dogpatch's line of thinking.

Some users find it has a bigger purpose than this. Besides personal values, I think the most unanimous general sentiment in Furry Raiders goes along the lines of a chat 2 The Ranting Gryphon had there with a member, published in videoblog Bird Bawks #10:

"The Furry Fandom used to be a welcoming and inclusive place for people of all walks of life. It was our greatest strength, taking people who normally would never meet and forging friendships through anthropomorphism. Unfortunately, extremism and far-left ideology has polluted the fandom, bringing with it toxicity and division. If you aren't progressive enough, you're shunned, slandered, and targeted with hate.

This is where Alt-Furry comes in..."

[I think they changed their name? Previous Telegram group administrator told me he left because they were constantly changing groups, because disrupters kept visiting trying to break the group apart.]

"This is where Alt-Furry comes in. We remember the old spirit of the fandom. We remember a time where furries would set aside their personal politics and find common ground. Whether or not we can bring that back to the fandom remains to be seen, but it remains a glimmer of hope in these dark times."

I agree with that sentiment. I don't think Furry Raiders can achieve it if, (conditional if,) that's their true goal, because of all the garbage that's implied everywhere about the group "Furry Raiders".

In any case, I have never been afraid to engage in discourse, with any kinds of people, so long as they keep the conversation civil (shitposting is self-evident or pointed out as such). I haven't had done to me any of those horrible things nazis did in the 40s. Haven't been gassed, stripped of my possesions, had my life threatened, told I can't have mixed races relationships, or so on. Maybe I'm not foreign / hispanic enough for me to suffer those punishments.


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