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You know the best part about the Catalonia issue? I'd know all about it, I've been influenced by the controversy in the area I lived in, for years. (And there's no real threat of a civil war anytime soon.)

The best part about the Catalonia issue is. If I turn off the television. If I don't read the local newspaper. I don't hear about it.

If I go to a furry website to look for art, none of it is mentioned. If I speak with furry friends, we have nothing to say about it (unless we're actively trying to have a discussion on the subject). If I read furry news, there's no Catalonia controversy. If I go to Twitter, no furry account makes statements about it.

It makes everyone so much more happier in both Catalonia and the rest of the country. Politics are left behind when the subject matter that unites us is a hobby.

The worldwide furry fandom was like this, five years ago. Those times were awesome!


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