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The fandom is apolitical, individual furs are not.

To sweep the political feelings of those individual furs under the rug is also not good journalism, because those political feelings exist.

When covering said topics I try and highlight what is and what is not, but they must always be politics INSIDE the fandom.

GreenReaper infamously tried to make an article that covered support of Healthcare and had like one tiny sentence on why furries should support it. It did not go over well and led to 3 articles in response to it.

So if you think this political thing just magically appeared out of no where, and this is the worse that it's been. Well, on Flayrah, that's not even true:

GreenReaper's Article about U.S. Healthcare decision:

Counter Article:

My article on calling for return to furry central content:

I was not an editor at this time, so I had no say in what got published and could only make an article indicating.

But calling the Nazi ideology abhorrent in my mind is not politics, it's fact. If there are people misusing the label then explaining them how that helps actual Nazis by expanding the number of people called it, thus the few avid real deal Nazis are able to act under a smoke screen of political confusion.

You? Probably not a Nazi, just wantes furry to be apolitical as a whole, and dislikes Patch O' Fur.

Gryphon? Probably not a Nazi, just wants furry to be apolitical as a whole, and dislikes Patch O' Fur.

Len Gilbert? Hell yes he's a Nazi. He wants the next generation to be warriors in his army to fight again degeneracy and had admitted as much in an interview with Kotherix. He wants to increase the partisan divides in the fandom (and America) to give more power to himself(and his ideology). Which is why he's so quick to accuse people like Deo and Dog Patch of doing the same.

Len is the leader of the group, and he's using you and Mr. Gryphon as tools to empower himself at the detriment of everyone else, and if you guys didn't fall for that Deo, DogPatch, would also lose the power you claim they cling to because there wouldn't be anyone for them to fight against. Or if they did continue on their crusade against you and Gryphon after you left people would be more willing to call them out for if they continued pursuing you both despite distancing yourselves from that leadership.

It's up to you to prove the content of the character of these leaders, and you have the power through your actions to create the environment you wish to seek. If you want to cover the fandom in an apolitical manner, you can shape that by leaving a group that is by its foundations, political. And watching how people behave as a result.


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