It is, however, a conjecture, that those you call 'alt-furry' or 'nazi furs' would gas people. They do not gas people.
Whereas it is not a conjecture but 100% factual, that saying 'fuck off' reiteratedly, in 2018, is not civil behavior.
The scenario I pose is a real scenario that is happening, right now. It is based on reality.
The scenario you imagine is a futuristic fictional dystopia. It is fiction.
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It is, however, a conjecture, that those you call 'alt-furry' or 'nazi furs' would gas people. They do not gas people.
Whereas it is not a conjecture but 100% factual, that saying 'fuck off' reiteratedly, in 2018, is not civil behavior.
The scenario I pose is a real scenario that is happening, right now. It is based on reality.
The scenario you imagine is a futuristic fictional dystopia. It is fiction.