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Then your assessment is incorrect, but it's your right to have them.

Nazism has little to do with language, but actions that are allowed by the state that are considered 'civil' and 'lawful'. You know, like rounding up citizens the state deems unworthy and gassing them.

I think that's the reason some find arguing over words as silly. To those that are saying "fuck 'em" are saying it because they believe if those they are saying fuck off to were in power they assess they would use their power to literally murder people at the state level.

Which man, I think we can all agree that's no good, because furries would certainly be at the bottom of a government sanctioned "citizen of value" list.

Which is why I don't see it as a political statement. I mean, it's like wearing a badge that says "the sky is blue", "Grass is Green", "Nazis suck" all derive equal emotions.


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