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Yes, 'fuck' is another word that's not necessarily hating on people as is.

Business-professional environments self-censor themselves because they want to appeal to more customers so they'll acquire more money. There's no law you can't say 'nigger' in the workplace, at least there isn't here. Evidently that self-censorship is not the case everywhere, the record industry doesn't seem to operate like that. But more so this is in for-profit environments, a non-profit / not-for-profit business has no incentive to make money but simply provide a good / service.

I'm sorry you feel bad you have to read / hear words you don't like, but you shouldn't censor every kind of word or behavior you don't like. We live in a society with different opinions. If it only depended on me, there would be no drunk people at conventions.

You can send your opinion to black rappers who continue to validate the word 'nigger' in public spaces.


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