Now you're being more restrictive than most conventions, yeah?
I mean that means if someone drops the N-I-double-gah-er they should be banned from a convention?
So Jasonafex should be banned from conventions from using that word?
Now I'm sure there are some that would agree with that position, but I'm somehow doubtful that the Alt-Right would be in favor of it.
Signing a petition is a pretty activist request, you know, a political action.
So in honor of that, I hope you will consider signing mine:
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Now you're being more restrictive than most conventions, yeah?
I mean that means if someone drops the N-I-double-gah-er they should be banned from a convention?
So Jasonafex should be banned from conventions from using that word?
Now I'm sure there are some that would agree with that position, but I'm somehow doubtful that the Alt-Right would be in favor of it.
Signing a petition is a pretty activist request, you know, a political action.
So in honor of that, I hope you will consider signing mine: