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AlL the LiBs WoRsHiP ChOmSky

What this says is red-pilled people only understand the world through what they hear on shitty youtube vids or hasty googling to find copypasta to throw at the wall, "debate me" has failed for you, and you really have nothing left to say for yourself.

You're no fucking Daryl Davis, mike, and the documentary about him self-criticizes what he does as "the retail strategy" that doesn't hold a candle to the wholesale strategy of going to the organizational roots. And I was truly heartbroken about what happened to you for about 30 seconds until rolling my eyes about how predictably clockwork these talking points all are.

And furthermore, Mike, let me wipe out some of your talking points before they happen.

I'll tell you a little story, since my Facebook link up there referenced indie music and racists trying to wedge in.

1993 or so, while I was eating up every proto-furry thing I could find, there was music too. CD's were in, tapes on the way out, but there were no ipods, just Walkmans I could use at my first job in a parking lot in the summer. So I would scrape up some sweaty bucks from that and hit the mall where they had beautiful, amazing, rare things in their tape cut-out bins, like the Mute Records catalog. There I found one of my forever favorite bands Nitzer Ebb.

This EBM music used symbols, yes, scary ones, like your new friends love, but not so artlessly. Yes it was full of angry shouting, and they had over driven machine gun synthesizers that sounded like war movie action scenes, but they didn't sing about hating jews or glorifying racist joking in winky memes representing the same shit your dumbest racist uncle spreads. It was actually subversive, they were exhorting you to sin, and find pleasure among each other (like at gay clubs where they played), and to positively release pent up aggression through dancing.

There was also the kind of band like Death In June who used that symbolic woo-woo shit as a gimmick to troll people, the are-they-or-aren't-they game, as if the symbolism was deep by itself. But it wasn't, it's like a dollar store magician cloak for a bit of cheap romanticism. Stupid band, shame they had at least a few tunes of cracking good music, even the shit that collabed with Skrewdriver, and yes I have their first album on my HD too (the non racist one before they split and the singer got fucked in the head and took the name himself.) Good thing there's plenty of goodness from others who don't need provocation to get you to notice it.

But shamefully, I bought into that woo-woo shit for a while, even up to the point where Jairus Khan was bringing a message to that music scene around 2014, when he got on stage and played a Dead Kennedys inspired video criticizing the band he was opening for with a message to Demand Better. Ballsy, punk, goodness.

He probably doesn't like me for the baloney both-sidesing and annoyance I gave him on forums, but you know, it eventually sunk in, through no further effort of his, because I saw what he was pissed about actually harming friends of mine. And now, you can hear it from me, and eventually, if you grow a little, it may sink in to you.

Basically I'm not some naif, Mike, not a tool or an ideologue, not even more than moderate on many topics, generally not even going as far as Jairus did. But I've been around the block, I know what this shit means, I know exactly what your next moves are, and if you want to school me on any of this, or on 1970's furry shit, or anything else, sit the fuck down and don't try to teach a fish how to swim.


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