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Here you go everybody! "There should be no sanctioned hateful profanity", yet, sanctioned racism, direct from the same source.

They call this talking out of both sides of your mouth. Having it both ways. Being a slimy, disingenuous liar with two faces.

Next comes the apologism. "They don't really mean it," the meaningless irony-for-irony sake that is about as different from the real thing as "ironically" eating a turd. It doesn't matter why. You still ate a turd.

And this isn't just doing it for self-pleasure, it's a performance to others - it's because other people don't want you to eat turds around them, so you do it to spite them, and maybe fool some poor naive target to take a bite.

This is a form of fetishism (more than the sexual meaning.)

At first, furries fetishized a genre and wanted to unleash it from a genre ghetto, or at least get more servings than a market was offering in the 1970's when furry comics were dwindled down to nothing. So it didn't matter if it was market-viable, DIY stuff served the apetite.

Then they fetishized each other - finding that fan gatherings helped encourage producing more of it, and they could feed each other.

But too much of a good thing can lead to losing your sense of taste and smell. So a tiny minority of poor fools have decided that turds count as food, too.

Now this tiny minority has forgotten that other people are part of this thing (including a lot of new ones, with broader demographic than the old days) and most of them don't like turds. But these "ironic" turd-eaters can't stop feeding - they need to stuff it all in. Now it's not fetishizing a genre, or the positive power of people in it - it's just fetishizing the symbols.

When you lose taste and smell like that, any symbol will do - furry ones or fascist ones, it's all the same.

But this isn't just symbolic. There are real people here who get harmed by the shit they spread. See my big post up top of thread, end of.

Mike, rejecting turds isn't "hate". No more than flushing your toilet is "hating" the waste in it. Or taking out the trash from your trash can at home. It's just what sane grown-ups do. Even babyfurs are doing this.

This fandom is growing up, just like they wanted in the 1970's when they took kids media to make it more diverse, and full-of-shit whining about it won't take it backwards.

This isn't about censoring or purifying or anything more than saying, stop shitting where we eat. Everybody poops, but when you want to inflict it on others, "nazi furs fuck off" is simply another way of saying, you don't have others consent. Don't fetishize like that at them. Dr. Freud wants you to know that dog-style poo eating and its semiotic equivalent is unwelcome by a group actually made of people. Please get some potty training about the bullshit you're bringing.

For the benefit of others who may want erudite perspective on why *this* fetishism is exceptionally apart from others - this can't be shared enough:


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