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Ultimately my mission statement is, Dogpatch's / SJWs & Furry Raider's / Alt-Right's supporters are purposefully making enemies of one another without actually listening to each other's concerns, and their constant back and forth is causing grief and frustration to anyone involved. I thought all this left-right furry nonsense would stay in the US but now it's gotten here to Europe as well.

You think DenFur wouldn't have preferred to have a smoother transition towards a different board of administrators / reorganization of staff? You think a moderate climate surrounding the whole issue wouldn't have helped?

Someone comes to you and says "Hey you. I hate black people and the Jews. Also, you're ugly and I don't want to see you." and your response is to punch them in the face?! What's wrong with you people? How do you pretend to uphold civility if you don't act in a civil manner yourselves?!

I don't know your particular stance on this but Dogpatch routinely promotes this kind of behavior, or telling people to "F*ck Off" with a badge, and this has to stop. You're not just playing for home, you're playing for the whole world, the whole furry fandom. Diversity. Tolerate diversity.

Follow the example of Daryl Davis if you will, a black person who fought successfully against KKK ideology by actually befriending KKK members. It's a more successful strategy if that's what you're aiming for. It's like you don't believe in civil discourse to solve problems, and you have to push an agenda, and push and push. I expect this of mainstream sources because they have power and money to gain, but there is nothing to gain by doing this in the fandom. You're all furries. You all belong to the furry fandom.

Have an interview with 2 The Ranting Gryphon for once. Not a back and forth YouTube contest, an honest respectful chat on Skype where you listen to each other, attentively. You should both be able to attend conventions. Maybe you can't both express your ideas at conventions, depending on what they are and the convention's rules, but you should be able to share the same space without threats or profanity.

It is a perfectly acceptable position to assert "I don't agree with you, and I think your ideas are wrong and don't deserve a platform at conventions, but I do not hate you and you're welcome to attend as long as you keep it civil".


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