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RMFC had plenty of good people involved, it was a community based con... some are with Denfur, but no Raiders were allowed on staff.

Some background:

The problem with RMFC wasn't the goers or all staff... it involved the top, the CEO and cronyism. That included collusion with Foxler. Foxler told the con that it would die if they didn't let his group go uncriticized.

This begins in 2016, when foxler did the stunt of holding part of the room block hostage, to great controversy (There was a public post from the con calling it grossly unfair, before they had to beg a bad actor to release rooms.) This set off a many-months-boiling problem.

Yet the con wouldn't act about being trolled because foxler was pals with the CEO... same guy who was *already* at odds with the public. The CEO had been "officially" asked to step down as chair, years earlier, due to a sex offender record. But behind the scenes, he retained the con's name and formal corporate power. The board/chair couldn't operate without him. It wasn't just him, but partner Scorch, the con board member and SovCit behind the threat letter they made to single out Deo, which broke this story to the public.

Deo was singled out for making one, general, January 2017 tweet directed to her friend referencing that week's high profile punching of Richard Spencer. (In other words, this was already a public topic people were making memes about, not something more.) That brought a threat of shooting. (Escalating from punching > shooting is unlawful, as Boozy Badger has posted.)

With closely coordinated timing, the con ALSO finally acted to try to reign in the Furry Raiders trolling:

At this time, before and after this week in January 2017, there were months of threats happening from unknown sources. (See chair's interview... which I would warn to take, in hindsight, as somewhat-uncommittal-though-cordial, and needing more context.)

So you can see that Deo's January 2017 tweet was NOT the spark of an incident, it came in the middle of a year of established trouble. Deo did NOT contact Denver police, or the hotel, interfering with the con. She contacted her out-of-state local police about a gun threat to her personally (they did nothing, it was another state and online with an unidentified source). She then passed her info to the con itself to help their security know what to do, getting no reply.

Months later, March 2017, Deo's tweet had been forgotten. By surprise, the con got notified of a security cost raise too close to the con starting date for comfort. They wanted SOMEONE to make an example of. Without having banned Foxler or instigators with him, they ended up sending her, a *nonattendee*, a bogus, threatening, self-damaging letter from a felon CEO who was already a source of bad PR.

The board knew a letter was going out but did not know the content. Big mistake.

When the letter published, I'm told that the board then wanted the CEO to finally step down. He refused, the board split and the chair threw in the towel. 12 hours after publication of the threat letter, the con announced closing.

Of course there's more factors, like Lamar's excellent work to point out tax difficulties - - but that's the necessary context for the mythologized, and inaccurate, scapegoating of Deo.

Myth recap:

Every con has problems that won't break it and may not be newsworthy - but this was an untenable, broken situation...

What we saw next, in May 2017, was completely unprovoked targeting of another con. This was retaliation by Foxler sympathizing altfur/neo-nazi trolls (who just happened to work with Richard Spencer's alt right dot com). We have screenshots of them planning it. Find the section under "The most damning link between white supremacists and alt-furries is Nathan Gate" - who admits trying to take down Califur:

Gate, the neo-nazi founder of the altfurry chat AND Richard Spencer's discord chat, was recorded calling Califur's hotel maliciously. I think this was a vengeful control message to say "you can't stop us" - and just because it was soon on the calendar after RMFC - and in So Cal where they had sympathizer members and other ties. And "for the lulz."

In August 2017, there was the Charlottesville nazi march (where Heather Heyer was murdered), attended by Gate and advertised by the altfurs. The time was right to publish thousands of pages of their hate filled chat logs - just like mainstream publication of Discord organizing by regular alt-righters.

In late 2017, Denfur had it's room block targeted. Like in 2016. - Hmm, who was already twice involved in doing such antics?

In Jan 2018, Discord swept out the alt-righters who used it to organize the Charlottesville nazi march - and the altfurs were swept out with them. This was no coincidence.

From March 2018, I have, unpublished, 30 screens of altfurs coordinating with Foxler and the admin of the Daily Stormer neo-nazi site for a failed stunt to bring Foxler to Richard Spencer events. Then the lead editor of the Daily Stormer posted support, showing they did collude.

This month at Denfur, security escorted Foxler out. (And there was a strong statement of Nazis being unwelcome by Eurofurence, a con in Germany where it's unlawful to spread hate - where such a statement is both congruent with their culture and has the most meaning.)

Look at that timeline, put 2 and 2 together, ask who's been maliciously sabotaging the fandom, and look at the fandom response.

Denfur's planning and the support of a community that had it's con growth cut short, carried out a super successful rebuild. Nazi furs fuck off, congrats and hugs all around.

2 Gryphon was on the wrong side of history about this, calling fandom "dead" and lending his platform and support to the Furry Raiders and their malicious friends. (There are commenters on Flayrah who have fallen into that sad trap. I see you in there. "Pulling a foxler" is what we call the "just curious" excuse about colluding inside these groups, BTW.)

2 Gryphon then tried to lead backlash about FurAffinity sweeping out some trash - often the same people banned from Discord for abuse. 2 came out as a member of the altfurs, and Eurofurence announced he wouldn't be on their stage - perhaps the last big con where he thought he was welcome on stage.

Today, a bogus SovCit-styled nuisance lawsuit, led by altfurs to retaliate at FurAffinity, got dismissed.

A last unpublished loose strand: a leader of Vanguard America (the hate group tied to Heather Heyer's murder in Charlottesville) was an Inkbunny user and fur con goer, but videos and other info have been kept private. If there's further info involved in law enforcement issues and left out for security I won't able to confirm or deny about it.


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