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I honestly did feel kinda weird about my last Newsbyte (the FortNite panda skin), as it is basically $20 for a purely cosmetic aspect of a free game (basically in that it's 2,000 V-Bucks, which is approximately $20 bucks minus whatever V-Bucks a player has earned in game). But then I remembered that it is literally a virtual fursuit, and I decided not to worry about it.

It should be noted that FortNite has it's own form of classism when it comes to the skins; the Battle Royale mode is free, and players start with a small collection of randomly assigned "skins" if they don't buy the "Battle Pass" (which gives them a chance to unlock further skins) or just buy skins from the item shop. These "Defaults" are often disparaged as "easy kills" or otherwise bad players, somewhat justified by the fact that they are often new or casual players, but just as likely to be players of any skill level who want to play the damn FREE game for, you know, FREE. (Also, just an aside, but I'm glad Epic went out of their way to make skins in general, and the "Defaults" in particular, a racially and gender diverse group.) I bought the Battle Pass because it does give you something to work towards, especially if you're not exactly racking up the Victory Royales like me.

Personal note; I was totally going to buy the Panda skin, but I lost my damn debit card and had the bank freeze it the day before it became available in the store, so I guess I'll have to wait until it comes back around.


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