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This and your previous comment is probably the best thing I've seen here in ages so it's no coincidence that I agree with it. Oh who am I kidding, it's completely the other way around. I agree with it, so OF COURSE it's right.

Yes, the fandom's gatekeepers have always seen themselves as being a kind of law-enforcement and this is just another example of it. It's why I often find myself wondering if furry is a fandom as much as a cult. Rather than, as you said, just tell it like it straight up is, in as much detail as possible, and leave it to the judgment and personal responsibility of private citizens to take the risk or not, they want to take away your choice. And they probably even think they're "doing it for your own goooodddd!" no no, really, their own good, but you know how cognitive dissonance.

Of course there is another alternative. Just sell it on the DL. If people are so fucking ridiculous as to think fan art is this nefarious contraband, or are going to try to talk about it like it is just to scare people into complying, use the same tricks all the drug dealers and sellers of stolen shit use. Speak in codes. Keep the "bad stuff" away from open view, maybe literally under the table, to be discreetly slipped into a folder containing the "good stuff" which is disguised as something wholesome and American, like tentacle porn!

I mean Christ's sake, in Canada we pretty much sell cigarettes this way, and those are still perfectly legal! We sell tobacco in all kinds of places you might not expect, and no one thinks to ask, because it's not advertised. But if you see that tell-tale, big white cabinet with the lock on it, chances are that's where the smokes are sold.

The actual law has so much bigger fish to fry than this. It's unbelievable. Furries, never prepared, always scared, kinda like the opposite of what the rappers like to say. They gotta get it through their cheap Wal-Mart costume heads, they're not important enough to literally anyone who matters in the high up to be legally shut down over some fucking drawings but, like you said, any private company can sue any individual if, say, the con knows how to properly cover their own ass which HAHAHA what the hell am I on about, of course they don't.


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