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The staff should not ban anyone from having fanart on their table, because the staff are not the police. Given the scenario, staff has to cooperate with law enforcement, not become law enforcement. They have no business becoming law enforcers. They aren't.

Whatever the law says the punishment should be for selling fanart (if it is illegal), that is what should happen, and be settled in a court of law. The law does not say "the offender shall be banned from the furry convention in which the selling took place". The law does not say "MFF staff will decide whether sellers breach copyright law".

It is obvious that the convention and its attendees have to follow the law, like anyone else on the planet. Any provision of the sort "no illegal things must happen in this convention" is redundant. No illegal things must happen anywhere, that's how law works. But if MFF's lawyers feel they need to overstate the obvious in their rules to cover their asses, they can simply cite copyright law or excerpts. "Fanart is forbidden" is a lousy badly written provision.

The other scenario I'd be satisfied with, is a provision that actually complies word for word with copyright laws, resembling any other neverending "terms of service agreement", full of technical jargon and a totally detached redaction, that makes it beyond obvious they don't really have a bad opinion on fanart, and can't give a shit about what Disney thinks, but are just pushed to follow retard copyright laws and "if something bad happens it's all your fault because law says you're a bad person".


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