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My experience with Vicky (her art at least) goes way back to before furry fandom got going. I was at a science fiction convention (maybe Worldcon '79 in Phoenix?) and wandering the art show, I found an amazing piece: it was an anthro cat dancer in a harem costume in a circular design with runes (I was always looking for art involving animal characters, of course). The piece was already set to go to auction, so I just admired it. A year later at a different convention, I discovered that someone in the dealer's room was selling color transfers of the same piece of art! He had apparently received permission from the artist to make them. I bought one, rushed over to the t-shirt making table, and had then put the transfer on an orange T-shirt. That shirt became my favorite fan convention T-shirt for years. Eventually it got retired to my shirt drawer for it was a bit small (damn, I used to wear 'medium')and was showing wear from repeated washings. There it stayed, until after meeting Vicky (she was a Guest of Honor and a ConFurence)and buying her comics and art... I suddenly had a realization. Her art looked familiar. Where had i seen it before? Later, I decided to search around the house, and I eventually found that t-shirt. I looked closely at it, and in the circle design along the border, in very small writing, I saw: V.M. Wyman!

American Pine Marten


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