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Hey there, first off thank you so much for taking the time to take a look at us, what we do, and sharing that with folks. I can actually answer a bit of information about one of these company's.

I'm The Tak, one of the owners of the company Ringtail Cafe Producitons. RTC is the company that created Furry Mystery box, and we are the team behind it!

We've been heavily involved in the fandom for years, and are also the people who created the convention Fur Reality, of which I was con-chair for the first 5 years. FR is well known for its over the top levels of con-swag.

Over our time in the fandom we have created comics, books, toys, shirts, lanyards, board games, card games, keychains, and tons of other merchandise both for our publishing company and for both our own convention, and a lot of other conventions in the fandom (IFC, F2, MCFC, AO, just to name a few.) We wanted to bring that experience and expertise in creating merch together and create a fun new project, which led us to making Furry Mystery box.

We were definitely a bit slow in getting some more personal info up and on the site and have striven to correct that recently. We didn't realize people would be curious about the team behind it, but we're happy to share.

The three most primary members of the team are TheTak (me!), Salmagundi and ZeeBee, all of whom have years of experience with these endeavors. We also work with a slew of other artists, writers and content creators to generate the contents of the box.

There are video links, and photos of past boxes up and on the site now for future people to take a look at.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to give FMB a shout out!


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