I wonder if it helps people that is literally attractive to feral shaped (or close) anthropomorphic characters (e.g. attractive to four legged wolf characters that has human like characteristics?) to find a partner who's willing to date back that has a similar interest and only that?
I can never date a human that looks like a human. Heck, I don't even think I can no matter how attractive a costume looks to me. :/ No that doesn't mean I'll date a mindless non-human animal in the real world. Not exactly my preference I hope. XD "Fictional" would be the only other option...
I wonder if it helps people that is literally attractive to feral shaped (or close) anthropomorphic characters (e.g. attractive to four legged wolf characters that has human like characteristics?) to find a partner who's willing to date back that has a similar interest and only that?
I can never date a human that looks like a human. Heck, I don't even think I can no matter how attractive a costume looks to me. :/ No that doesn't mean I'll date a mindless non-human animal in the real world. Not exactly my preference I hope. XD "Fictional" would be the only other option...
Account abandoned and probably will make a new anonymous account with no trace of evidence of it being me. I think it's justified.