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I guess my thoughts on spoilers are, on one hand, people are annoying shits about it (I mean, Equestria Daily commenters annoyed the shit out of me when they kept complaining the site spoiled the episodes by listing the episode title, I mean Jesus fucking Christ, really?), but on the other hand I avoided them myself for this movie, so ... meh? I guess as a reviewer you have to keep that in the back of your mind when writing a review, but kind of like anything else involved with writing a review, I mean, you can't please everyone.

Also, if the Guardians movies are furry, this one is too (unless you're saying they're not, too, which could be fair); maybe really more "furry adjacent" than "furry". Like I said, not a good "jumping on point" at all, and you can just read a synopsis if it ends up actually mattering for Guardians 3 (even setting aside the "everybody dies!" ending, Gamora at least died earlier and possibly more permanently in the movie, so she might stay dead even if the other Guardians don't); some of the other movies might be worth tracking down, including Iron Man, the first Avengers, Captain America: Winter Soldier and Thor: Ragnarok, for instance, but are definitely not furry and are just fun movies.


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