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I don't think many, if any of the deaths from this film will be permanent. It'd be silly to kill off their golden goose for good when there's a multitude of ways to bring it back. If any of them will be permanent, my guess is that the deaths that occurred prior to Thanos's victory, with the likely exception of Vision will be so. Which still means one less Guardian.

Tom Holland's already confirmed to be in the post-Avengers 4 Homecoming sequel, but I guess he could technically be a ghost, or a flashback or something. Their MJ is going to be in it too, and they went to the work to set up her reveal. MJ's interactions with Miles in the comics, so it seems like a waste, but I guess they're doing something completely different with MJ now, huh? Then again, Marvel's working with Sony on the MCU's Spider-Man stuff, right? And Sony's got a Spider-Man movie starring Miles coming out this year, so adding Miles into the MCU this late in the game...and getting the torch passed down from a 16-year-old, immature Peter who's only been Spider-Man for like three years...doesn't seem likely. I don't think they're done with Peter yet, and if he's gonna come back...well, him being the only one is also unlikely, I think.


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