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Following the spoiler train.

I'm totally hoping all the deaths stick, including wiping out every Guardian who isn't Rocket (and I guess Amy Pond) and the only cinematic Spider-Man I've ever liked, and I almost think they might. The movie went out of its way to show Thanos destroyed the Gauntlet and the stones, so they can't be used to retcon themselves. The only confirmed movies upcoming are GotG 3 and Spider-Man 2, but with the latter, this may be a way to work the Miles Morales' Spider-Man into the MCU and Rocket has been the sole 616 Guardian who has never left the team and was the leader when Star-Lord wasn't and even put together an ad-hoc Guardians team from scratch in one storyline (and there are plenty of 616 Guardians, Yondu-timeline Guardians and other cosmic characters that could be added, some even furry; Lylla the otter and Cosmo the dog are both canon in the MCU). Doctor Strange's directors have talked about a sequel, but it was never confirmed, and, once again, there are plenty of magical fish in the sea (I'd pick Son of Satan, but would understand if Disney went with someone else) and Shuri is both really freaking popular in the movies and a former Black Panther herself in the comics

Because of spoilers, couldn't really go into that, but I liked that it actually left the MCU in a very interesting place (which, admittedly, has a high likelihood of being retconned). So if this review seemed especially cage-y, I mean, it was, with both the spoiler thing and the "okay, you better justify this review on a furry site, crossie" angle. I mean, I've been thinking about this lately, what with just accusing the entire furry fandom of complacency from old age on a nearby thread, but it's been over half a decade since I started reviewing movies on this site, and on one hand I can say there were not reviews of any furry movies before me, but on the other hand it's pretty fair to say I'm just covering multi-million/billion dollar franchises that hardly need the press while still missing a lot of little stuff that actually could use a little attention. What I'm saying is I started off fixing a problem, but now I might just be a different problem, one that I'm just a bit too, well, complacent to really fix myself.

But anyway, Rocket is the last Guardian standing, you guys! GotG 3 may actually be Rocket Raccoon: Vol. 1!


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