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I will say in my defense I am just a little talking from experience, and setting aside "boredom" (which I admit is a bit hyperbolic; boredom with vanilla, entry-level furry may be fairer) and "complacency" (which I admit is not nice and has apparently pissed someone off), it might just be that furries are so hyper-individualized that you kind of can't appeal to them as a group; maybe that's the nicer way to put it. What I'm saying is if furries end up not giving a shit, it might not be you, it might just be them, and my experiences say you won't get a very excited reaction, but don't let that discourage you. Furthermore, if anything, in my experience, non-furries are more excited about a furry-by-furry movie, if for no other reason than some combination of reasons we've both gone over is lacking in non-furries.

However, once again, the whole thing is theoretical on my end, so if you've got a plan already changing it for a couple of Internet comments isn't exactly a great strategy either, so if it works, it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't.

I think I also need to make clear, when you're talking to me, I am almost never talking about furry "the fandom", or group of people; I'm talking about a genre of fiction using talking animals. So I'm not saying they're bored of each other; they're just kind of bored of generic cartoon animals, unless they have some sort of, well "novelty" factor, and I think being mainstream, like was the case with Zootopia, can be a "novelty" factor for furry fans. And, of course, a lot of the older movies/things/whatever have "nostalgia" factor, which is kind of the opposite of novelty, but whatever works.

Also, speaking of the mainstream, well, I don't know your neck of the furry woods, but Flayrah tends to collect furries of a certain political bent, and that bent is very anti-capitalist socialism, so "mainstream" is kinda a dirty word automatically with them, so I've kinda been hemming and hawing around that part, but I'm getting a lot of one-stars anyway, so I'll just say that may be a thing, too. Once again, that could just be a Flayrah thing and not really a problem for you.

But my point is, there are reasons furries might not want to go "mainstream" that have nothing to do with whatever you're selling, so rejection from them does not automatically entail rejection from the mainstream, though I guess ideally you want approval from both, so don't take this as argument but in fact encouragement, okay?


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