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We're not, at least for humans, and those close enough for a reasonable person to consider them legally human.
I see what you're getting at, but here's two key issues with it:

* Inkbunny was established and is run specifically for furry content. It's what the volunteer staff signed up for, and it's why our donors fund the site. Humans are off-topic, just as non-transformation content would be on TransFur. Some artists tell stories which involve humans to a limited extent, and we try to accommodate them. But if your work is purely human-based, Inkbunny's service is not intended for you. (You might try Hentai-Foundry.)

* Laws in our jurisdiction (and those of many users) specifically restrict certain depictions of "people" - by which they mean humans, as well as humans with trivial additions/modifications. It is our intent to operate inside the law within our jurisdiction. We believe these laws don't impact depictions of furry characters, as they're legally animals - even if they have some human characteristics.

I appreciate that "humans with animal characteristics" vs. "animals with human characteristics" sounds like splitting hairs, but it is a hair that has been split by governments [see 6(b)]. While we feel confident saying "this is furry" or not, we do not consider ourself able to reasonably determine whether a human character is, e.g. 18 vs. 17; so we don't allow any of them to be depicted sexually.

There are similar issues with art which may be seen as bestiality in various jurisdictions, even ones such as Germany; as well as art and stories concerning non-consensual acts involving "people" (i.e. humans) in the UK. We don't like such laws, but they do exist. We see no reason to impose them on purely furry artwork for the sake of allowing content we weren't even established to host.

We don't host general photography of people, either, with a similar same dual reason - it'd be off-topic (soaking up our resources), and there are many legal issues relating to depictions of real people that we cannot reasonably address as a fan site.


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