For a while Backpage was a financial backbone for independent journalism of its corporate owner - It's named for the racy ads in back of free alt weekly papers. That kind of ad was a money maker online when newspaper business has been in a long slow collapse with other classified ad money going to Craigslist. Incidentally, that kind of journalism shares a few countercultural roots with furry (alt weekly newspapers > underground comix.)
It's no mistake this happened just at the time when the US president has a scandal in the news about having an affair with a porn star, and while he's been pushing a long attack at any media that doesn't just lick his boots. Post-truth-think-of-the-children politics.
I'd been casually aware of this for a while, it's extremely political beyond just protecting people, and may harm people it supposedly protects. This is an excellent article about it (Pounced gets a mention): More info -
For a while Backpage was a financial backbone for independent journalism of its corporate owner - It's named for the racy ads in back of free alt weekly papers. That kind of ad was a money maker online when newspaper business has been in a long slow collapse with other classified ad money going to Craigslist. Incidentally, that kind of journalism shares a few countercultural roots with furry (alt weekly newspapers > underground comix.)
It's no mistake this happened just at the time when the US president has a scandal in the news about having an affair with a porn star, and while he's been pushing a long attack at any media that doesn't just lick his boots. Post-truth-think-of-the-children politics.
"Whenever there is *actual* censorship, the free speech warriors are conspicuously silent." -