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What about the fact that the site was deleted, not taken down? Every bit of information is gone, the site was deleted completely. This is very suspicious.

I've read FOSTA and the other laws and I agree something else is going on here. This FOSTA does not affect Pounced. Pounced is a personal's site. The only reason Craigslist shut down their personsals (in the USA only by the way) is because they do not properly moderate the site and in fact mismanage it for personal and political reasons by admins - according to numerous accounts that is. So, is Pounced jumping on some bandwagon, or is something more sinister going on.

Something people may not know but which the grapevine will soon provide proof of: someone offered to buy Pounced two months ago, the offer was never responded to because Celer refused to respond except by Telegram. Also, at least one user reported Pounced to law enforcement, specifically Wolfpac for failing to take down ads from obvious minors. Given how many ads from minors there are and how extreme some of them are (13 years old! I saw two myself!), its not a stretch to believe that either Pounced was afraid of getting in legal trouble because they don't do enough to keep minors off the site. This is especially true when examining the laws that are being changed. Other parts of the law state that sites like Pounced must provide information and links for parents to filter adult content. This FOSTA now means that Wolfpac can get in legal trouble for not preventing minors from being exploited.

Awful suspicious. And if not, it certainly was down right rude. That data is all gone. If they deleted it from the site, are they going to also delete it from their servers? What about all the people asking for their ads and messages? If this was really about the legislation, why not just set the whole site to read only? Why delete it.

There are too many unanswered questions.


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