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Correlation does not equal causation.

You seem to be indicating that religion is what is causing the unhappiness or the low GDP.

Where as it can easily, so easily, be argued that it is the opposite.

1) A government with less GDP will have less to spend on education, with less to spend on education they tend to have to outsource education. To which foreign religious groups will gladly filling that void and using their wealth to "exploit" them, but hey they're getting an education I suppose so at least SOMEONE is "exploiting" them. If atheists are worried about poor countries religiosity they should be forming organization to provide educational services to poor countries so that the religious aren't operating in a vacuum.

Hey, maybe learning 2+2 doesn't have to come with the teaching that Jesus died on the addition sign between the twos. But that is up to propping up a-religious organizations who do the same type of advocacy for impoverished nation advocacy that religious organization do. And that, you know, takes effort instead of stumping on an internet forum.

2) The happiness one has a basically .5 correlation in the negative direction. That number thingy below the title.

So it in essence doesn't really mean anything. A correlation of 1 means there absolutely is, a correlation of 0 means there absolutely isn't. So to me, that makes a .5 as close to the "there may or may not be" as you can possibly get. At least from what I can gain from that number's meaning, I didn't take statistics in college.

Some of the biggest exceptions on these is Brazil and China. And if you look at the GLBT rights in those countries, you'll also note that religion and anti-gay sentiment isn't always 1 to 1 either.

In the words of China: If the State is a God, then God wants you to procreate! But no more than 2 please! (If only there was a natural way that people could have sex and not procreate...)


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