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Well, that's your argument that "most" people actively think religion and spirituality are harmful, which I think you're a bit overconfident how many are actually on your side (or even fucking care, really, for that matter). The guy's reporting trivia and you're comparing him to climate change deniers.

Do the other chapters go out of the way to rebut the people interviewed? I mean, actual question, if he's interjecting all through the sex chapter, I mean, interjecting in the spirituality chapter wouldn't be as bad. But even then, the guy's trying to put furries in the the most positive light. Bitching and grousing about media coverage or hemming and hawing about sex would help that position; taking potshots at his interview subjects to say they have irrationally dangerous thought patterns doesn't exactly help the thesis "furries = good".

I guess you're missing that the chapter is biased; it's biased for furries, not religion. If anything, the unquestioned assumption here is not religion is good, it is that furries are good (and, by extension, their religious and spiritual beliefs, or lack thereof).


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