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It definitely deserves a thumbs up. There is a lot of good information, including a lot of stuff that I'd not heard about even on some topics I was reasonably familiar with.

I have to be fair; you can't possibly know what happens at every convention. But you did a lot of research which is why this America focussed thing is so frustrating. I suppose the problem could've been solved also by having a couple people from outside the US check through the book. I've never published a book so I don't know if you have reviewers that help fact check before final publication or not. They probably could've caught things. Eurofurence is also the longest-running furry convention since those old US ones have all shut down. Just for some background, here's an awesome video that was done for 20 years of Eurofurence:

I agree furry =/= zoophilia. However there is an overlap in people and to claim that zoophilia is completely taboo in the furry fandom is just wrong. It's controversial and only supported by a minority but that minority is fairly large.

I'm not saying you have to prove any specific belief system. What I would like pointed out is the absence of evidence for it. Like if somebody wrote a piece about a man who said he had a fire-breathing dragon as a pet, you would hope it was not only written as though that were true.

I would definitely be interested if you did a sequel. I did mostly enjoy it. There were parts which I think were not great but there were also many excellent parts. As someone who has never fursuited, I really enjoyed reading about others' experiences doing it. I'd much rather people learn about the fandom from your book than most media coverage.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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